"New year, new me!"
It's become the script that people start saying on January 1st and, if we're being honest, lasts until about January 12th. Harsh, I know. But we're keeping it real around here, right?
And I'm only saying this because I've fallen prey to it too. I've made the astronomical resolutions and made the unrealistic promises to myself on the 1st and when something went wrong on the 8th, I beat myself up and gone was this "new me" I'd bragged about.
I've decided to do it differently - to take on the new year in a way that ENCOURAGES me rather than sets me up to be disappointed.
I’m not knocking resolutions if that’s something you like to do, but I personally believe picking a word for the year is much more powerful than making resolutions. Here are a few reasons why.

This year my word is IMAGINE. I love the scripture Ephesians 3:20-21 and I really love the asking part but I haven’t done much with my imagination! Dreaming up and manifesting what God’s will is for my life.
Finding a word for the year isn’t hard, but it does take time if you want to use it to steer your year in the right direction.

4 ways to choose your word for the year:
1. Carve out some quiet time for reflection.
Go get quiet somewhere where you feel the most at peace. Go to a park. Sit in your bed. Put aside any distractions. Get with Jesus & reflect. You’ll probably want a journal to record your impressions or any thoughts that you have.
2. Think about the person you would like to be at the end of the year and take five minutes to jot down some words describing that person.
Don’t censor yourself; just write anything that comes to your mind! For example, I might write something like, “Calm. Centered. Financially abundant. Successful. Generous. Healthy.”
3. Don’t feel you have to come up with your word right away.
Give it some time! You might want to think about it for a few days until you find the word that’s right for you! If nothing feels quite right to you, try reading over a list of words and circling the ones that speak to you.
4. Once you find your word, put it someplace where you can see it often!
Put it on your fridge! Write it on a post-it and put it on your bathroom mirror. Take a picture of it and make it the lock screen on your cell phone. The more you see it and can speak it out over you and your life, the more you'll notice it coming to play in your everyday life. I’m including my word of the year in the front of my 2021 planner where I can look at it every day.
What's your Word?
If you have a word for the year, how did you land on it? Have you started to see it take shape in these first few days of the year? I want to hear all about your journey and how your word comes to fruition throughout this year!
